Welfare and Codes of Conduct…
The Bristol Henleaze Swimming Club welfare officers are Kirsty Pearson (designated lead) and Liz Maddocks (deputy) and both can be contacted for any welfare concerns within the club by emailing welfare1.bhsc@gmail.com.
Should you feel any concerns raised have not been addressed appropriately, or where you believe there may be the potential for conflict of interest the following contact points are also available to report concerns:
Rachel Roberts – County Welfare Officer (rmbroberts1@gmail.com)
Marion Britton – Regional Welfare Officer (swwelfareofficer@gmail.com; telephone: 07975 713254
If you need further guidance for any low level welfare concerns, governance issues or help managing internal disputes then please contact the SESW Welfare and Governance Officer, Libby Bell, at libby.bell@swimming.org. Further advice on internal disputes can be found here.
As a club we are committed to providing an environment in which all children and adults participating have a safe and positive experience. The following Safeguarding Policy Statement sets out how we will achieve this.
A copy of Wavepower 2024 is available on Swim England’s website: https://www.swimming.org/swimengland/wavepower-child-safeguarding-for-clubs/
You can view all of our codes of conduct below:
Code of Conduct - U18 Swimmers
Code of Conduct - Members and Officials